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Caring for children since 1921
Our Jr. & Sr. Kindergarten Program in Richmond Hill
Our Jr. & Sr. kindergarten program in Richmond Hill focuses on preparing your 4 or 5-year-olds for their transition into the public school system. Our program offers many opportunities for developing the social and independence skills, essential to entering first grade with confidence, as well as appropriate skill levels in all learning subjects. The ratio of students to teachers is 12 to 1 with a maximum of 24 in one room.
Why Choose Us?
- Five days per week
- Hours are 7:30 am to 6:00 pm; drop-off and pick-up are on your schedule anytime between these hours
- One drop-off and pick-up location
- The ratio in kindergarten room is 12 kids to 1 teacher, maximum in that room 24 kids with 2 teachers guaranteed
- No P.A. days
- Open for March break
- More time for curriculum (more days, more hours)
- We provide breakfast, snacks and lunches, all freshly cooked on site by certified food handlers and our ratios are maintained during eating periods
- Minimum of two hours of supervised (at ratio) outdoor activities each day, weather permitting
- Reading activities, homework books and library visits
- Themes, creative, circle
- Printing
- Mathematics
- Science and nature
- Seasons
- We promote responsibility and individual growth of your child
- We provide a warm nurturing environment
- Five Canadian Standards Association (CSA) inspected and approved playgrounds
- Indoor gym for bad weather
- Inspected and approved swimming pool with National Lifesaving Society (NLS) lifeguard each summer
- We will have your child prepared for grade one
- We provide report cards
- Are you aware your child does not have to attend kindergarten in the public school system? Our staff are trained Early Childhood Educators, certified and licensed specifically to educate and care for children this age.

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